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Field data observation exercises


The third part of the WiseFarmer pilot learning programme is running during the spring time, which brings more opportunity to practical WF exercises. Several learning tasks of the pilot are linked to field data observation, and most of them to farming practices. The mobile device makes it possible to record data - such as the location by GPS coordinates, text, photo, video, sound, date, time etc. - offline (without internet connection), and upload the data later to the cloud, and / or to the WiseFarmer learning platform, which also serves as a submission of the exercise, in order to monitor and evaluate the learning process. 

More information of the used tools can be found on the WiseFarmer Learning Platform Knowledge Base:

The main purpose of the exercise is to collect, identify and input data about a problem of a smallholder family farmer, and upload it to WF platform.

The advantages of using the mobile application is that every user - advisor, farmer, family member or other experts helping farmers - have capable mobile device all the time available "in the pocket". It is very easy, user friendly and streamlined to enter an issue, we estimate that the task can be completed in about 5 minutes. Many of the needed data fields are automatically filled out by the device: the name of the logged in user, date and time of the entry and GPS coordinates of the location. Photo, video and audio recording can be added with just a few clicks using the phone's software from within the App. Audio recording is a practical way to 'dictate' the problem to be processed later with Voice to Text technology on the platform, to support textual description. As mentioned, App works in offline mode so that recorded data can be uploaded later if Internet is available. The list of submitted records can be viewed and checked in web browser. The web interface provides data export capability so that bulk data can be easily transferred to the platform in one step.